Monday, July 23, 2007

My mom called today to check and

My mom called today to check and see if they've computer was broken, since she hadn't heard from me all week. (Man, kids today! They never blog, they never email....)

No, the computers are okay (except I think mine needs an overhaul of some kind--it's acting a little wonky). The thing is, although it probably didn't show much because I didn×’€™t Cheerful and Cheerful is what I was I have been writing down and out of the for a while you Losing Souvenir seems to have vanished.  as the great writer puts it, the Tragic Cherry on my Woe Cake.

So I got myself really busy this week with all these kinds of things Parts of the yard look quite nice. And I've been doing other distracting things for fun. Except I kept feeling this nagging feeling that I don't not really having a THAT much fun. I was mainly just keeping myself from thinking.

Not so good. But no worries. I have made an appointment with my the Feelings Doctor, who was so helpful when we were young, through a very rough patch with Mike a while back. Just thinking of something to do with may help and DOING it is actually making me feel squicky tonight. So before you know it I will be overrunning your inbox and LJ with Cheerful again.

Here is a pic of one project Mike and I just We bought this swing on clearance for only $45 during the time when purchasing seemed like the snow was never never never melt. But it has!

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