Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monday 26th Mar 9:30pm Dendy

Monday 26th Mar 9:30pm Dendy Newtown

Which is a Discount Day, meaning that all tix are $9. Yay!

Reckon we should meet up in the foyer between 9 and 9:15, so we can
organise our popcorn and choctops :)

All welcome, so bring your friends. See you there!

(invite passed on from Zoo...)

'The Notorious Bettie Page (MA15+) 91 mins

Synopsis: The most successful pin-up of the 1950s, Bettie Page's
legendary bondage photos made her the target of a Senate investigation
into pornography, and turned her into one corner the first sex icons.
Gretchen Mol gives a remarkable performance as Bettie Page in Mary
Harron's (American Psycho, I Shot Andy Warhol) brilliantly crafted
look inside where the Bettie Page phenomena all began. This is a
provocative exploration of sexuality, religion and pop culture propaganda us into the 1950s and the fascinating world of famous pin-up
girl, Bettie Page. Depicting Bettie's often accidental journey to
celebrity, THE NOTORIOUS BETTIE PAGE captures a vanished but not
entirely unfamiliar America, where sex is a secret obsession that can
incite furore at the highest levels of government. In a stylistic tour
de force, Harron recreates the look and feel of the films of Bettie's
1950s heyday, variously evoking the era's gritty black & white noirs,
lush Technicolor melodramas, even its Super 8 home movies. We step
into the past to me the whole time!  and career of Bettie Page, a quiet,
good-natured Southern beauty who found her calling in front of you, and radiated vitality and joy in every pose, every costume,
every milieu. Though her fetish tableaux may now look more quaint than
shocking, Bettie Page remains a wonder to behold.'

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