Thursday, September 13, 2007

So it's been a wonderful and

So it's been a wonderful and exhausting week for me, hence the no posting.  Grandmother's birthday went pretty well.  We'll go back closer to her actual 100th birthday in a few years, but I got tired see cousins I haven't seen since before Nan was hospitalized back in 95.  Yeah, there are reasons why we don't hang out, but they're pretty harmless all in all.   Met the afterwards and hung out with while.  That and a Copelands lunch courtesy of made me a much happier person.  Most wonderful woman in the world' wide world went through her surgery with no trouble (Yeah!) and I took the kids to understand with the ones from online (plus family members) and their host   That was good fun and we're hoping to see more of them today (heh heh).  We've merged our families to get a membership at the aquarium, so if anyone's interested in a group of up there, we're in!Werewulf and I have way about the MS Walk plans.  Looks like an 8 miler in DC on the 14th and short one in Antietam later in the week, have the ability to bring in lemon-lime video, so look for silly AMVs or redubbed movie shorts from us soon. 

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